Versión grabada y diapositivas de webinarios pasados.
marzo 25, 2025
Nasz prelegent Marek Tkaczuk, Senior Service Manager, opowiada o cyberbezpieczeństwie w kontekście wsparcia serwisowego.
marzo 5, 2025
febrero 25, 2025
Nasi prelegenci Katarzyna Nowińska, POC IT Product Manager, i Jarosław Rogowski, Application Specialist, opowiadają o tym, jak analizatory przyłóżkowe mogą być monitorowane, zarządzane przez operatorów i zarządzane próbkami z poziomu biurka.
diciembre 3, 2024
L'accréditation est un sujet primordial, géré au quotidien par les laboratoires d'analyses médicales.
noviembre 21, 2024
Die Blutgasanalyse ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Versorgung Ihrer Patienten, sei es für die Ersteinschätzung in der Notaufnahme oder für die Verlaufskontrolle auf der Intensivstation. Von der Abnahme der Probe beim Patienten bis hin zur Messung an Ihrem Blutgasanalysator verbergen sich jedoch zahlreiche präanalytische Fallen, die die Probenqualität und damit das Ergebnis Ihrer Blutgasanalyse beeinflussen können.
septiembre 12, 2024
This webinar is sponsored by Perimed* .
agosto 5, 2024
Attendees of the presentation can expect to delve into several key aspects crucial to modern POC healthcare settings.
junio 12, 2024
abril 19, 2024
diciembre 13, 2023
Radiometer Ibérica tiene el placer de patrocinar e invitarle a asistir a este webinario presentado por el Dr. Salvador Díaz Lobato, que se celebrará el próximo 13 de diciembre de 2023, a las 17:00 hrs CET.
noviembre 8, 2023
mayo 9, 2023
Dieses Webinar ist eine fallbasierte Präsentation, in der beleuchtet wird, wie das Point-of-Care Testing geholfen hat, Prozesse in einer Arztpraxis zu optimieren.
enero 26, 2023
This webinar is a case-based presentation, and will describe the most common pitfalls in laboratory testing and how to mitigate their effects. This is a Labroots webinar, sponsored by Radiometer.
agosto 24, 2022
Better management of patients in ED by using POC Immunoassay and the Added value of a Stat Lab in "Central Lab” combining POC Immunoassay and BG.
junio 14, 2022
This webinar will include a review of common tests performed at the point of care (POC) in the emergency department (ED), as well as evidence supporting improved patient care or hospital efficiency through the use of POC in the ED.
noviembre 3, 2021
Radiometer and HemoCue are pleased to sponsor this webinar, where Professor Toby Richards, the Head of Department of Surgery, University of Western Australia, will discuss the importance of anaemia in womens health.
julio 20, 2021
In partnership with LabRoots, Inc., we would like to invite you to our LIVE Webinar Patient Blood Management: The Top 4 things hospitals should implement now. Join us on Tuesday, July 20 at 10:00am ET / 7:00am PT for an educational webinar hosted by Labroots and presented by Dr. Yulia Lin, MD, FRCPC, CTBS.
junio 22, 2021
Webinaire organisé en partenariat avec la Société Advanced Instruments à destination des biologistes, réanimateurs et médecins urgentistes.
enero 27, 2021
This webinar is hosted by SBK Healthcare and the speaker is Katy Heaney.
enero 13, 2021
This webinar is presented by Dr. Ruben Restrepo.
septiembre 29, 2020
Panel discussion moderated by Viveka Roychowdhury, Editor, Express Healthcare
septiembre 1, 2020
This webinar is presented by Dr. Martha Lyon.
julio 22, 2020
This webinar is presented by Donna D. Castellone, MS, MASCP, MT(ASCP), SH QA Manager, Specialty Testing Supervisor, Special Coagulation and Hematology New York Presbyterian- Columbia Medical Center
abril 9, 2020
This webinar is presented by Andrew Fletcher, MD, CPE, Medical Director, Consultative Services, ARUP Laboratories, Inc.
This webinar is presented by Dr Milind Sovani, Honorary Assistant Professor and Consultant Respiratory Physician at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham University Hospital
diciembre 10, 2019
This webinar is presented by Jim Poggi, Principal, Physician Office Lab Expert, Tested Insights, LLC. Jim Poggi is a commercial professional in the lab business as a practitioner, sales professional, marketing and category director.
noviembre 19, 2019
This webinar is presented by Marcia L. Zucker, PhD. Marcia Zucker is an independent consultant specializing in all aspects of point of care diagnostics.
septiembre 10, 2019
Webinar presented by Alison Woodworth, PhD, DABCC, FAACC Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Director, Core Clinical Laboratory & Point of Care Testing University of Kentucky Medical Center
julio 17, 2019
Webinar presented by Martha E Lyon PhD, DABCC, FACB Clinical Biochemist Royal University Hospital Saskatchewan Health Authority Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
abril 25, 2019
Webinar presented by Sarah Barnhard, MD Associate Medical Director of Transfusion Services and Assistant Clinical Professor, UC-Davis Medical Center Davis, CA
septiembre 18, 2018
Webinar presented by Alison Woodworth, PhD, DABCC, FACB, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Kentucky Medical Center
julio 17, 2018
Many assume that putting a lab device at or near the patient will improve care, because testing at the point of care is thought to be more straightforward than it appears. However, general systematic inhibitors known as “MUDA” or waste may impact both workflow and productivity during point-of-care testing (POCT).
abril 17, 2018
This webinar will describe best practices for sample collection, identify common errors, how they impact the patient, and how to avoid them.
marzo 22, 2018
This webinar is presented by Professor Ana-Maria Simundic from the department of Medical biochemistry at Zagreb University. Her research activities focus on quality management and the preanalytical phase.
diciembre 6, 2017
Webinar presented by Dr. Nam K. Tran, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Davis
noviembre 28, 2017
Webinar presented by Tim Harris, MD, Prof., Emergency Medicine, QMUL and Barts Health, London, England
noviembre 14, 2017
Webinar presented by Olivier Danhaive, MD; Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco; and Director of the Infant Care Center, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
septiembre 22, 2017
Presented by Anne Skurup, MS, Editor-in-Chief of, and Manager, Clinical Affairs, at Radiometer